Hello Friends, Today we are going to discuss ''IIT JEE NEW PATTERN''. As you know before preparing any exam we need to clear all the basic things like - exam pattern, syllabus, cut off marks etc. for this please watch the below given link : IIT JEE NEW EXAM PATTERN BY NTA Please share your comment so that we can proceed further. Mathematics Complex Number Quadratic Equations Coordinate Geometry Straight line Circle Conic section Calculus including - function, application of derivatives, definite integration are most important part in calculus 3-D and vector Binomial Theorem and Sequences and Series Chemistry Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Thermodynamics Electrochemistry Inorganic Chemistry (most important part for jee main) Organic Chemistry( XII th class Organic Chemistry is more important,full scoring ) Polymers and Bio Molecules Environmental Chemistry Chemistry in Everyday Life P...
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